C O M P U T E R - G R A P H I C S , A N I M A T I O N S A N D V I S U A L - F X
by C. Schindelar
I made this interior-scene to train my modeling and design skills. For the wall I used displacement-maps. The couch-model is high detailed and as usually sculpted in Cinema4D. The diffuse milk-glass-elements in the back are produced with 2-sided-materials. The sheapskin on the floor is generated with Vray-fast'n'fur. To create a good lightsetting I used 2 big area-lights from back of the camera, the interior-lights and the diffuse light from the milk-glass-elements. The wax inside the Lavalamp is a made with a metaball-object and texturized with a SSS-material.