C O M P U T E R - G R A P H I C S , A N I M A T I O N S A N D V I S U A L - F X
by C. Schindelar
This couch-design was inspired by a foto I found on the www. The ruff mesh was constructed via hard-surface-modeling. Afterwards the outer-edges were bevelled. I selected polygon-loops by Loop-Selection on the outlines of the couch and extruded them to the inner side as preperation for seams. With the sculpting-tools in Cinema I freeformed all soft-parts and produced some iregularities. I adapted some free Vray-Materials as textures. The shelf and the books are made with MoGraph and the backwall was textured/displaced with Arroway-testures as well as the floor. The statues in the back were generated with PoserPro. The desk and the deko in the front are from a library by Evermotion.